
Septic Tank: 5 Signs Yours Needs Emptying

It’s the dirty secret no one wants to talk about, but if you have one, it’s one of your home’s most important components. Of course, I’m talking about the septic tank. As a suburban gal who moved to a rural town, I can tell you first-hand if you forget the...

Environment Agency guidance on regulation of septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants

Information published by the Environment Agency for households and businesses with septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants: In January 2015, new rules were introduced that simplify the way septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants are regulated in England, protecting the environment and improving water quality. Download your sewage-your...

Can a septic tank freeze?

Particularly cold weather can be bad news for homeowners with a septic tank system. Icy temperatures can result in various components of a septic system running the risk of freezing up in the harsh conditions. Clearly, this will create problems for your home’s wastewater treatment capabilities and should be avoided...

Where Does All the De-Icing Salt Go?

Other than helping our vehicles to operate in wintry conditions or stopping us from falling on our backsides during a particularly icy day, not many of us give too much thought to the tonnes of de-icing salt used on our roads and pavements every year. Where does it go after...

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